YUM: Quick & Easy Homemade Tortilla Chips!

So, if you're like me, you often walk by a rack of avocados and think, "YUM!" and buy one. Then, before long, it's sitting in your kitchen ready to go bad if you don't eat it right away. I mean, YOU CAN'T WAIT ANOTHER DAY ALREADY.

But, alas, you don't have any tortilla chips on hand. And of course, avocados taste BEST as guacamole, and guacamole tastes BEST with chips. And you know what? It's just as easy to whip up some chips of your own (given that you have some tortillas on hand) as it is to run out and buy some.

So here goes my Two-Bit tortilla chip recipe.

First off, as even a Two-Bit Chef such as myself knows, you should always have olive oil and coarse salt on hand as these two items make just about anything taste better. So I'll assume you already have these items, in addition to the aforementioned tortillas.

1) Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

2) Cut up your tortillas into smaller pieces. (I cut up about 4-5 medium sized tortillas and fit them onto two cookie sheets.)

3) Lightly baste the tortilla pieces with olive oil and then sprinkle with coarse salt. (No need to grease the cookie sheets.)

4) Cook the pieces about 6-8 minutes, flip, sprinkle with more salt, and cook another 6-8 minutes. 

5) Remove the pieces from the oven once they start to brown and crisp.

6) Cool for a few minutes....and voila! Your chips are ready to go!

I found it easy to whip up the guac while the chips were cooking.

Eat your heart out, Barefoot Contessa!


The Two-Bit Chef

P.S. Be sure to let me know how your chips turn out!
